Turing reaction-diffusion driving the cell division

in a filament of cells in MGS


This picture visualizes a Turing-like reaction-diffusion process on a line of cells, but one of the two chemicals is used as a trigger of the cell division. When its level is above a given threshold, the cell divides into two cells and the concentration in the two daughter cells is also divided. This process does not mimic an identified natural phenomena but is used as an example of some kind of physico-chemical process taking place in an expanding media.

In the visualization below, the complete evolution of the filement is show. An elementary bloc corresponds to one cell, the line of cells is in the screen plane and the time is directed toward you. The height of a block is proportional to the quantity of the triggering chemicals present in the corresponding cell. The width of the daughter cells are divided by two, so a lineage corresponds to a parallel strip directed toward you. The data produced by the MGS simulation are written in a file using the TEOM format. This language is used to describe 3D scenes that are later rendered using the ImoView front-end (which is part of the MGS distribution).


Turing reaction-diffusion used to triggers cell division

Click to have alternative and clearer but bigger views (1.5 Mb).

The corresponding MGS program

specifying the Turing diffusion-reaction and the cell division

trans init =
    x => { a = 3.5 + random(1.0) -0.5,
           b = 4.0,
           beta = 12.0 + random(0.1) - 0.05,
           size = 16 };

NbCell := 20;;

filement0 := init(iota(NbCell, ():seq));;
The filemant of cell is represented by a sequence of records; a record represents the state of one cell.
Such a record has four fields: the fields a and b correspond to the concentration in morphogen a and b. The field beta is a constant used in the reaction-diffusion and that fluctuates a little randomly between the cells. The field size records the size of a cell.

We start with 20 cells and the initial filament is made by applying the transformation init (which replaces each element x in a sequence by a record described as above) to a sequence made with the function iota. This function is reminiscent of the iota function in APL and builds a sequence of increasing integers.
rsp   := 1.0/16.0;;
diff1 := 0.25;;
diff2 := 0.0625;;

fun da(a, b, la, ra) =
    rsp * (16.0 - a*b) + diff1*(la + ra - 2.0*a);;
fun db(a, b, beta, lb, rb) =
    rsp*(a*b - b - beta) + diff2*(lb + rb - 2.0*b);;
Some constant parameters of the reaction-diffusion process are defined.

Function da and db computes the changes in morphogens a and b from the actual concentration of a cell and the concentrations of the left and right neighbors.
trans TuringSplit =
    x / x.b > 8
    => { a = x.a/2, b = x.b/2,
         beta = x.beta, size = x.size/2},
       { a = x.a/2, b = x.b/2,
         beta = x.beta, size = x.size - x.size/2};

    x / leftq(x) & rightq(x)
    => { a = x.a + da(x.a, x.b, left(x).a, right(x).a),
         b = max(0.0, x.b + db(x.a, x.b, x.beta,
                               left(x).b, right(x).b)),
         beta = x.beta,
         size = x.size

    x / ~leftq(x)
    => { a = x.a + da(x.a, x.b, 0, right(x).a),
         b = max(0.0, x.b + db(x.a, x.b, x.beta,
                               0, right(x).b)),
         beta = x.beta,
         size = x.size

    x / ~rightq(x)
    => { a = x.a + da(x.a, x.b, left(x).a, 0),
         b = max(0.0, x.b + db(x.a, x.b, x.beta,
                               left(x).b, 0)),
         beta = x.beta,
         size = x.size
The transformation TuringSplit computes the evolution of the filament. Each cell x is updated on the basis of the following rules:

  • If morphogen b is greater than some threshold, the cell divides. The size and the concentration of the two daughter cells are half of the original cell.

  • if a cell x has a left and a right neighbor in the filement (i.e. x is not at one end), then the usual evolution is applied.

    The special form leftq and rightq can be used in a transformation (when applied to a sequence) to check if an element has a left and a right neighbor. Leftq and rightq are a kind of macros called special forms and not really functions, because they accept as argument not a value but a pattern-variable that appears in the left hand side of a rule.

    left and right are the special form that give access to the value of the left and the right neigbors of the element referenced by a pattern-variable.

  • There is a special rule for the element that has no left neighbor (this element is at the boundary of the filament).

  • Symmetrically, there is a special rule for the right boundary.

output of the TEOM description file

fun minimal(x) = if (x <= 0) then 0.1 else x fi;;
fun showX(x) = "Box { Size <1, "
             + minimal(x.b) + ", "
             + minimal(x.size)
             + ">  Color <" + (0.99*(x.b/8))
             + ", 0"
             + ", " + (0.99 - 0.99*(x.b/8))
             + "> }";

A cell is represented as a box. The function showX computes a string that defines this box in the TEOM description language. TEOM is a language used to defines 3D scenes that are then visualized by a viewer called ImoView. The height, the width and the color of this box depends of the morphogens.
fun showBarre(barre, t, tmax) =
               barre, showX,
               ("Grid1{ Axis <0,0,1>  GridList [\n"),
               ",\n\t ",
               "] }");
   if (t ~= tmax)
   then ("tmp.turing.m" << ",\n\n")
   else ("tmp.turing.m" << "\n\n") fi
The function showBarre outpouts in the file tmp.turing.m the description of the filament. This description is build by the predefined function print_coll. The argument of print_coll are the following:
  • the name of the file where to output the description
  • the collection which would be described
  • a function that returns an object that will be printed in the file; this function is called for each argument in the collection
  • a prefix: that is, a value wich will be printed befor the collection element's will be iterated
  • an infix: i.e., a alue wich will be printed between each element of the collection
  • a postfix, i.e., alue wich will be printed after the printing of each elements.
For example,
print_coll(stdout, (\x.x), (1, 2, 3), "[", "#", "]")
will print on the standard output:
Here, the prefix used specify that the subsequent box printed by showX must be aligned on a line.
fun pre_show() =
     << "Scaled{ Scale <0.1, 0.1, 0.1>\n"
     << " Geometry Grid1{ Axis<1,0,0> GridList[\n\n"
At the begining of the TEOM description file, we put some order to rescale the entire description.
fun post_show(n, c) =
    "tmp.turing.m" << "] }}\n";
    system("imoview tmp.turing.m")

At the end of the simulation, we close the TEOM description file and we launch the ImoView visualization interface on this file.
fun evol(barre, t, tmax) =
         showBarre(barre, t, tmax);
         if (t < tmax)
         then evol(TuringSplit(barre), t+1, tmax)
         else barre fi
This function iterates the evolution of the filament (by applying the core tansformation TuringSplit) and the output of each filament's state.
fun evolve(n) =
   evol(filament0, 0, n);
   post_show(n, NbCell)


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Pages started: May 2002. Last revision: 24 jully 2003.

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English keywords for indexation: computer science, programming language, topological collections, transformation, declarative programming language, functional languages, simulation of biological processes, cell model, biological pathway, interaction network, gene regulation, signal transduction, morphogenesis, developmental biology, integrative simulation, biological organization, dynamical systems, dynamical structure, Gamma, CHAM, P system, L system, Paun, Lindenmayer, cellular automata, membrane computing, aqueous computing, artificial chemistry, GBF, Cayley graph, data fields, nested collections, rewriting, rule based programming, pattern-matching, intentional programming, compilation, interpretation, type, type inference, nested type, polytypism, catamorphism, static analysis, sequence, multiset, combinatorial algebraic topology, chain complex, chain group.