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The meristem
is an undifferentiated plant tissue from which new cells are formed,
as at the tipof a stem or root. Some of these cells, driven by flux of hormones,
divide and differentiate to form all the plant's organs. In this rough sketch, two parallel processes take place :
The initial state of the meristem is constitued of 13 cells, one of them being alive (the blue one: grow phase 0), the others beeing vegetative (the red-grayish ones). The blue cell first dive into a new blue cell that have to wait a little bit before continuing its division, and two green cells (alive cells in grow phase 1). A green cell further divides into three vegetative cells. A vegetative cells just grows in size. |
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specifying the growth
state Position
= {x, y, z};; state Cell = Position + {l};; state Germ0 = Cell + {grow = 0};; state Germ1 = Cell + {grow = 1};; |
A cell is decribed by a record
that contains the fields necessary to be a Position (i.e. three
fields named x, y and z) and a stiffness coefficient
l. A cell is also "alive" if it has in addition a field called
grow. If this field has the value 0, then the cell is ready
to divide (blue cell). If the field has the value 1, then the cell
is a green cell and will divide into 3 vegetative cells. If this fields has
a negative value n, then the cell will be ready to divide after
waiting n time steps. |
delaunay(3) D3
= \e.if Position(e) then (e.x, e.y, e.z) else ?("bad element type for D3 delaunay type") fi ;; |
This function extract a position
from a cell record and is used in the definition of the Delaunay collection
type that represents the spatial organization of the meristeme. |
epsilon := 0.05;; K := 1.0;; |
Some constant parameter of the mechanical part of
the model are defined. |
fun interaction(ref,
src) = if(Cell(ref) && Cell(src)) then ( let X = ref.x - src.x and Y = ref.y - src.y and Z = ref.z - src.z and L = ref.l + src.l in let dist = sqrt(X*X+Y*Y+Z*Z) in let force = 0.0-K*(dist-L)/dist in {x=X*force, y = Y*force, z = Z*force} ) else ?("Error : bad argument type for interaction/2"); ?(ref); ?(src); ?("Et voil� ...") fi ;; fun add(u, v, e) = u + { x = u.x + e*v.x, y = u.y + e*v.y, z = u.z + e*v.z } ;; fun sum(x, u, acc) = add(acc, interaction(x,u), 0.05) ;; trans Meca = { x => add(x,neighborsfold(sum(x), {x=0,y=0,z=0, l=x.l}, x), epsilon) };; |
These functions and the transformation
Meca compute the mechanical interaction between two neighboring
cells. For a more detailed explanation, see here. |
p1 := 0;; p2 := PI/3;; p3 := 2*PI/3;; p4 := PI;; p5 := 4*PI/3;; p6 := 5*PI/3;; alpha := 5.0;; theta := PI/6;; theta2 := PI/3;; |
Now we will specify the growing process. We defines
some angles that are used to position the cell when they appear. Note that this model is a phenomenological one: it describes a (rough) sketch of the observed growth and for example, it does not explain the emergence of a phylotactic spiral from low-level interactions. |
trans Grow = { r / r.grow < 0 => r + {grow = r.grow+1 }; r/ r.grow == 0 => r+{z = r.z + alpha, grow = -5}, r+{x = alpha*cos(p1+theta), y = alpha*sin(p1+theta), grow=1, l = r.l/2, color = "Color<0, 1.0, 0.0>"}, r+{x = alpha*cos(p4+theta), y = alpha*sin(p4+theta), grow=1, l = r.l/2, color = "Color<0, 1.0, 0.5>"}; r/r.grow == 1 => r+{x=r.x+0.2, y=r.y+0.2, l = r.l*2, grow=2, color = "Color<1.0, 0.2, 0.3>"}, r+{x=r.x*cos(theta2)-r.y*sin(theta2), y = r.x*sin(theta2) + r.y*cos(theta2), l = 2*r.l, grow=2, color = "Color<1.0, 0, 0.5>"}, r+{x=r.x*cos(0.0-theta2)-r.y*sin(0.0-theta2), y = r.x*sin(0.0-theta2) + r.y*cos(0.0-theta2), l = 2*r.l, grow=2, color = "Color<1.0, 0.3, 0.1>"}; r/r.grow == 2 => r + {l=r.l+0.15}; };; |
The growth is specified by 4 rules:
The field color is used to specify the color of the cell in the graphical representation. |
fun H(d) = let dd = Meca[20](d) in let s = sequify(dd) in let ns = Grow(s) in delaunayfy(D3:(), ns) ;; |
An evolution of the system is simply 20 steps of the
mechanical evolution Meca followed by one steps of growth. For some obscure reasons, the meristem (which is a Delaunay collection) is turned into a sequence (operator sequify) befor applying the growth and then is turned back into a Delaunay collection (operator Delaunayfy). This step can be avoided. |
building the initial state |
:= {x = alpha*cos(p1), y = alpha*sin(p1), z = 0.01, color = "Color<0.0, 0, 0>", l = alpha, grow=2}, {x = alpha*cos(p2), y = alpha*sin(p2), z = 0.02, color = "Color<0.2, 0, 0>", l = alpha, grow=2}, {x = alpha*cos(p3), y = alpha*sin(p3), z = 0.00, color = "Color<0.4, 0, 0>", l = alpha, grow=2}, {x = alpha*cos(p4), y = alpha*sin(p4), z = 0.01, color = "Color<0.6, 0, 0>", l = alpha, grow=2}, {x = alpha*cos(p5), y = alpha*sin(p5), z = 0.03, color = "Color<0.8, 0, 0>", l = alpha, grow=2}, {x = alpha*cos(p6), y = alpha*sin(p6), z = 0.02, color = "Color<1.0, 0, 0>", l = alpha, grow=2}, {x = alpha*cos(p1), y = alpha*sin(p1), z = 5.01, color = "Color<0.0, 0, 0>", l = alpha, grow=2}, {x = alpha*cos(p2), y = alpha*sin(p2), z = 5.02, color = "Color<0.2, 0, 0>", l = alpha, grow=2}, {x = alpha*cos(p3), y = alpha*sin(p3), z = 5.00, color = "Color<0.4, 0, 0>", l = alpha, grow=2}, {x = alpha*cos(p4), y = alpha*sin(p4), z = 5.01, color = "Color<0.6, 0, 0>", l = alpha, grow=2}, {x = alpha*cos(p5), y = alpha*sin(p5), z = 5.03, color = "Color<0.8, 0, 0>", l = alpha, grow=2}, {x = alpha*cos(p6), y = alpha*sin(p6), z = 5.02, color = "Color<1.0, 0, 0>", l = alpha, grow=2}, {x = 0, y = 0, z = 10.0, color = "Color<0, 0, 1.0>", l = alpha, grow = 0} ;; |
We build an initial description
of the meristem simply by listing the state of its cells... |
init := delaunayfy(D3:(), pre_init) ;; |
... and then computing its spatial organization
by a Delaunay triangulation. |
the graphical output |
outfile := "tmp.moving1.imo";; |
The previous pictures are generated
by specifying a 3D scene in TEOM. TEOM is a 3D description language
described here. |
fun show_line(a, b, acc) = ( outfile << "Polyline { PointList [ <" + a.x + ", " << a.y << ", " << a.z << ">, <" << b.x << ", " << b.y << ", " << b.z << "> ]}\n"; acc ) ;; |
A detailed comment of generation of the scene description
can be found here. |
trans show_edge = { x => (neighborsfold(show_line(x), 0, x); x) } ;; |
fun show_cell(a) = "Translated { Translation <" + a.x + ", " + a.y + ", " + a.z + "> Geometry Sphere { Radius " + a.l/1.0 + " Slices 16 Stacks 16 " + a.color + "} }" ;; |
cpt := -1;; fun show(f, c) = ( cpt := 1+cpt; if 0 == cpt % 1 then ( print_coll(f, c, show_cell, "Group { GeometryList [\n\t", ",\n\t", "\n] }\n\nCommand Pause\n\n")) else 0 fi) ;; |
fun evol(xxx) = (show(outfile, xxx);
H(xxx)) ;; evol[20](init);; system("imoview "+outfile);; |
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