Sketch of the growth of a meristeme in MGS


growth of a meristeme in MGS: state 0 Click on the picture to enlarge the view.
The meristem is an  undifferentiated plant tissue from which new cells are formed, as at the tipof a stem or root. Some of these cells, driven by flux of hormones, divide and differentiate to form all the plant's organs.

In this rough sketch, two parallel processes take place :
  • the mechanical interaction that shapes the meristem: the spatial organization of the cells of the meristem is due to a spring force between  neighbors;
  • the growth process: due to the differentiated behavior of each cell. A cell is either growing or vegetative. A growing cell is either waiting, or in phase 0 or in phase 1. A cell in phase 0 or 1 divides. A vegetative cell simply grows in size.
See here to the detailed comment about this mechanical model.

The initial state of the meristem is constitued of 13 cells, one of them being alive (the blue one: grow phase 0), the others beeing vegetative (the red-grayish ones). The blue cell first dive into a new blue cell that have to wait a little bit before continuing its division, and two green cells (alive cells in grow phase 1). A green cell further divides into three vegetative cells.

A vegetative cells just grows in size.
growth of a meristeme in MGS: state 1 growth of a meristeme in MGS: state 2 growth of a meristeme in MGS: state 3 growth of a meristeme in MGS: state 4

The corresponding MGS program

specifying the growth

state Position = {x, y, z};;
state Cell = Position + {l};;
state Germ0 = Cell + {grow = 0};;
state Germ1 = Cell + {grow = 1};;

A cell is decribed by a record that contains the fields necessary to be a Position (i.e. three fields named x, y and z) and a stiffness coefficient l. A cell is also "alive" if it has in addition a field called grow. If this field has the value 0, then the cell is ready to divide (blue cell). If the field has the value 1, then the cell is a green cell and will divide into 3 vegetative cells. If this fields has a negative value n, then the  cell will be ready to divide  after waiting n time steps.
delaunay(3) D3 =
  \e.if Position(e)
     then (e.x, e.y, e.z)
     else ?("bad element type for D3 delaunay type")
This function extract a position from a cell record and is used in the definition of the Delaunay collection type that represents the spatial organization of the meristeme.
epsilon  := 0.05;;
K        := 1.0;;
Some constant parameter of the mechanical part of the model are defined.
fun interaction(ref, src) =
  if(Cell(ref) && Cell(src)) then
      let X = ref.x - src.x
      and Y = ref.y - src.y
      and Z = ref.z - src.z
      and L = ref.l + src.l
      in let dist = sqrt(X*X+Y*Y+Z*Z)
        in let force = 0.0-K*(dist-L)/dist
          in {x=X*force, y = Y*force, z = Z*force}
      ?("Error : bad argument type for interaction/2");
      ?(ref); ?(src); ?("Et voil� ...")

fun add(u, v, e) =  u + { x = u.x + e*v.x,
                          y = u.y + e*v.y,
                          z = u.z + e*v.z }

fun sum(x, u, acc) = add(acc, interaction(x,u), 0.05)

trans Meca =
  x => add(x,neighborsfold(sum(x), {x=0,y=0,z=0, l=x.l}, x), epsilon)
These functions and the transformation Meca compute the mechanical interaction between two neighboring cells. For a more detailed explanation, see here.
p1 := 0;;
p2 := PI/3;;
p3 := 2*PI/3;;
p4 := PI;;
p5 := 4*PI/3;;
p6 := 5*PI/3;;

alpha := 5.0;;
theta := PI/6;;
theta2 := PI/3;;
Now we will specify the growing process. We defines some angles that are used to position the cell when they appear.

Note that this model is a phenomenological one: it describes a (rough) sketch of the observed growth and for example, it does not explain the emergence of a phylotactic spiral from low-level interactions.
trans Grow =

    r / r.grow < 0
    => r + {grow = r.grow+1 };

    r/ r.grow == 0
      r+{z = r.z + alpha, grow = -5},
      r+{x = alpha*cos(p1+theta), y = alpha*sin(p1+theta),
        grow=1, l = r.l/2, color = "Color<0, 1.0, 0.0>"},
      r+{x = alpha*cos(p4+theta), y = alpha*sin(p4+theta),
         grow=1, l = r.l/2, color = "Color<0, 1.0, 0.5>"};

    r/r.grow == 1
      r+{x=r.x+0.2, y=r.y+0.2,
         l = r.l*2, grow=2, color = "Color<1.0, 0.2, 0.3>"},
         y = r.x*sin(theta2) + r.y*cos(theta2),
         l = 2*r.l, grow=2, color = "Color<1.0, 0, 0.5>"},
         y = r.x*sin(0.0-theta2) + r.y*cos(0.0-theta2),
         l = 2*r.l, grow=2, color = "Color<1.0, 0.3, 0.1>"};

    r/r.grow == 2
    => r + {l=r.l+0.15};

The growth is specified by 4 rules:
  1. The first rule specifies that an alive cell in a waiting state (grow < 0) simply wait some time. Its evolution consists simply in increasing the field grow: then at next time steps there is little time to wait. The operator + that appears between records compute the asymetric merge of its argument.
  2. The second rule specifies that a ready blue cell (grow = 0) divide into 3 new cells: a blue one and two green (grow=1).
  3. A green cell divides into 3 vegetative cells
  4. A vegetative cell (grow = 2) simply increase in size.

The field color is used to specify the color of the cell in the graphical representation.
fun H(d) =
    let dd = Meca[20](d) in
    let s = sequify(dd) in
    let ns = Grow(s) in
        delaunayfy(D3:(), ns)
An evolution of the system is simply 20 steps of the mechanical evolution Meca followed by one steps of growth.

For some obscure reasons, the meristem (which is a Delaunay collection) is turned into a sequence (operator sequify) befor applying the growth and then is turned back into a Delaunay collection (operator Delaunayfy). This step can be avoided.

building the initial state
pre_init :=
  {x = alpha*cos(p1), y = alpha*sin(p1), z = 0.01, color = "Color<0.0, 0, 0>", l = alpha, grow=2},
  {x = alpha*cos(p2), y = alpha*sin(p2), z = 0.02, color = "Color<0.2, 0, 0>", l = alpha, grow=2},
  {x = alpha*cos(p3), y = alpha*sin(p3), z = 0.00, color = "Color<0.4, 0, 0>", l = alpha, grow=2},
  {x = alpha*cos(p4), y = alpha*sin(p4), z = 0.01, color = "Color<0.6, 0, 0>", l = alpha, grow=2},
  {x = alpha*cos(p5), y = alpha*sin(p5), z = 0.03, color = "Color<0.8, 0, 0>", l = alpha, grow=2},
  {x = alpha*cos(p6), y = alpha*sin(p6), z = 0.02, color = "Color<1.0, 0, 0>", l = alpha, grow=2},

  {x = alpha*cos(p1), y = alpha*sin(p1), z = 5.01, color = "Color<0.0, 0, 0>", l = alpha, grow=2},
  {x = alpha*cos(p2), y = alpha*sin(p2), z = 5.02, color = "Color<0.2, 0, 0>", l = alpha, grow=2},
  {x = alpha*cos(p3), y = alpha*sin(p3), z = 5.00, color = "Color<0.4, 0, 0>", l = alpha, grow=2},
  {x = alpha*cos(p4), y = alpha*sin(p4), z = 5.01, color = "Color<0.6, 0, 0>", l = alpha, grow=2},
  {x = alpha*cos(p5), y = alpha*sin(p5), z = 5.03, color = "Color<0.8, 0, 0>", l = alpha, grow=2},
  {x = alpha*cos(p6), y = alpha*sin(p6), z = 5.02, color = "Color<1.0, 0, 0>", l = alpha, grow=2},

  {x = 0, y = 0, z = 10.0, color = "Color<0, 0, 1.0>", l = alpha, grow = 0}

We build an initial description of the meristem simply by listing the state of its cells...
init := delaunayfy(D3:(), pre_init)

... and then computing its spatial organization by a Delaunay triangulation.

the graphical output
outfile := "tmp.moving1.imo";;
The previous pictures are generated by specifying a 3D scene in TEOM. TEOM is a  3D description language described here.
fun show_line(a, b, acc) = (
        outfile << "Polyline { PointList [ <" + a.x + ", " << a.y << ", " << a.z << ">, <"
        << b.x << ", " << b.y << ", " << b.z << "> ]}\n";
        acc )

A detailed comment of generation of the scene description can be found here.
trans show_edge = {
    x => (neighborsfold(show_line(x), 0, x); x)

fun show_cell(a) =
    "Translated { Translation <"
    + a.x + ", " + a.y + ", " + a.z
    + "> Geometry Sphere { Radius "
    + a.l/1.0 + " Slices 16 Stacks 16 "
    + a.color + "} }"

cpt := -1;;

fun show(f, c) = (
    cpt := 1+cpt;
    if 0 == cpt % 1 then (
       print_coll(f, c, show_cell,
                 "Group { GeometryList [\n\t",
                 "\n] }\n\nCommand Pause\n\n"))

fun evol(xxx) = (show(outfile, xxx); H(xxx))

system("imoview "+outfile);;

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Pages started: August 2003. Last revision: 14 august 2003.

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English keywords for indexation: computer science, programming language, topological collections, transformation, declarative programming language, functional languages, simulation of biological processes, cell model, biological pathway, interaction network, gene regulation, signal transduction, morphogenesis, developmental biology, integrative simulation, biological organization, dynamical systems, dynamical structure, Gamma, CHAM, P system, L system, Paun, Lindenmayer, cellular automata, membrane computing, aqueous computing, artificial chemistry, GBF, Cayley graph, data fields, nested collections, rewriting, rule based programming, pattern-matching, intentional programming, compilation, interpretation, type, type inference, nested type, polytypism, catamorphism, static analysis, sequence, multiset, combinatorial algebraic topology, chain complex, chain group.