Index of values

'1_PI [Math]
The float constant 1/pi.
'2_PI [Math]
The float constant 2/pi.
'2_SQRT_PI [Math]
The float constant 2/sqrt(pi).
'B [Functional]
The B combinator: B(f, a) == \x.f(a(x)).
'B_K [Functional]
The B_K combinator: B_K == B(K).
'C [Functional]
The C combinator: C(f, a) == \x.(f(x))(a).
'E [Math]
The float constant e.
'I [Functional]
The I combinator: I == \x.x.
'IF [Functional]
The IF combinator: IF(c, t, f) == \x.if c(x) then t(x) else f(x) fi.
'K [Functional]
The K combinator: K(a) == \x.a.
'LN10 [Math]
The float constant loge(10) (the logarithm is taken in base e).
'LN2 [Math]
The float constant loge(2) (the logarithm is taken in base e).
'LOG10E [Math]
The float constant log10(e) (the logarithm is taken in base 10).
'LOG2E [Math]
The float constant log2(e) (the logarithm is taken in base 2).
'PI [Math]
The float constant pi.
'PI_2 [Math]
The float constant pi/2.
'PI_4 [Math]
The float constant pi/4.
'S [Functional]
The S combinator: S(f, a) == \x.(f(x))(a(x)).
'S4 [Functional]
The S4 combinator: S4(f, a, b) == \x.f(a(x), b(x)).
'S4_S [Functional]
The S4_S combinator: S4_S == S4(S).
'SQRT1_2 [Math]
The float constant 1/sqrt(2).
'SQRT2 [Math]
The float constant sqrt(2).
'!! [System]
'!= [Math]
The not-equal predicate.
'!=== [Math]
The negation of the === operator: x !=== y is the same as not(x === y).
'* [Math]
Computes the multiplication of its arguments.
'** [Math]
Computes the exponentiation of its first argument to the second argument.
'+ [Math]
Numerical sum, record merging and string concatenation.
'- [Math]
Computes the substraction of its arguments.
'/ [Math]
Computes the division of the first argument by the second.
':: [Monoidal]
Add an element to a monoidal collection.
'< [Math]
Less than predicate.
'<< [System]
outputs the text representation of the value v in the file specified by "file".
'<<< [System]
Force the opening of a file.
'<= [Math]
Less or equal predicate.
'== [Math]
The equality predicate.
'=== [Math]
The physical equality predicate.
'> [Math]
Greather than predicate.
'>= [Math]
Greather or equal predicate.
'? [System]
print the ascii representation of the value v to the standard output and then return v.
'abort [System]
Abort the evaluation.
'abs [Math]
Return the absolute value of the argument.
'acell [Scalar]
Returns true if the argument is a acell and false for any other value.
'acellof [Math]
Conversion into an acell.
'achain [Collections]
Achain type and predicate.
'achainify [Collections]
Transform its argument into a achain.
'acos [Math]
The acos trigonometric function.
'add [Math]
Prefix form of operator +
'add_edge [Qmf]
Adds a new edge.
'add_face [Qmf]
Adds a new face.
'add_ncell [Qmf]
Adds a new ncell.
'add_polygon [Qmf]
Adds a new polygon.
'add_polyline [Qmf]
Adds a new polyline.
'add_sphere [Qmf]
Adds a new sphere.
'add_square [Qmf]
Adds a new square.
'add_vertex [Qmf]
Adds a new vertex.
'add_volume [Qmf]
Adds a new volume.
'append [Monoidal]
Concatenates two monoidal collections.
'area [Delaunay]
returns a sequence of values specifying the area of each voronoi cell centered on a Delaunau vertex.
'asin [Math]
The asin trigonometric function.
'atan [Math]
The atan trigonometric function.
'atan2 [Math]
The atan2 function calculates the arc tangent of the two arguments x and y.
'bag [Collections]
Bag (multiset) type and predicate.
'beep [System]
Make a sound and print a beep on standard output.
'beep_cpt [System]
Beep count.
'beep_cpt_reset [System]
Reset the counter of calls to the function beep to zero.
'bint_of [Math]
Conversion into a big integer.
'bintof [Math]
Conversion into a big integer.
'boundary [Achain]
returns the boundary of an acell as a chain of integers.
'cartesian_prod [Achain]
Return the cartesian product of the two achain arguments.
'ccells [Achain]
Return the sequence of ccells of a cell or the values in a chain.
'ccellspos [Achain]
Return the sequence of ccells of a cell in a chain.
'ceil [Math]
Round the given float to an integer value.
'close [System]
Close a file.
'coboundary [Achain]
returns the coboundary of an acell as a chain of integers.
'cofaces [Achain]
Return the sequence of cofaces of a cell or the values in a chain.
'cofaces_in_achain [Achain]
Return the sequence of cofaces of a acell belonging to a given achain.
'cofacespos [Achain]
Return the sequence of cofaces of a cell in a chain.
'collection [Collections]
Collection type and predicate.
'collection_name [Collections]
On n'ajoute pas ce predicat à la main : ** il sera ajoute automatiquement via la table des descripteurs de types *
'common_cofaces [Achain]
Return the sequence of the cofaces shared by two cells.
'common_cofaces_in_achain [Achain]
Return the sequence of the cofaces shared by two acells in a given achain.
'common_cofacespos [Achain]
Return the sequence of the cofaces shared by two cells in a chain.
'common_faces [Achain]
Return the sequence of the faces shared by two cells.
'common_facespos [Achain]
Return the sequence of the faces shared by two cells in a chain.
'common_transitive_cofaces [Achain]
Return the sequence of the transitive cofaces shared by two cells.
'common_transitive_cofaces_in_achain [Achain]
Return the sequence of the transitive cofaces shared by two acells in a given achain.
'common_transitive_cofacespos [Achain]
Return the sequence of the transitive cofaces shared by two cells in a chain.
'common_transitive_faces [Achain]
Return the sequence of the transitive faces shared by two cells.
'common_transitive_facespos [Achain]
Return the sequence of the transitive faces shared by two cells in a chain.
'compare [Math]
The generic comparison.
'cons [Monoidal]
Add an element to a monoidal collection.
'copy_gmap [Qmf]
Returns a copy of a gmap.
'cos [Math]
The cos trigonometric function.
'cosh [Math]
The cosh hyperbolic function.
'count [Collections]
Counts the number of occurences of an element in a collection.
'create_edge [Qmf]
Links 2 vertices by a new edge when it's possible.
'create_face [Qmf]
Creates a new face from given indepdendant edges.
'create_volume [Qmf]
'delaunayfy [Collections]
Build a delaunay.
'delete_ncell [Qmf]
Deletes a ncell.
'diff [Monoidal]
Set or bag difference.
'dimension [Achain]
Return the dimension of a acell or a achain.
'div [Math]
Prefix form of operator /
'dot [Record]
Computed record access.
'empty [Collections]
Returns true if the argument is an empty collection and false if the argument is a non-empty collection.
'empty_from_coll [Collections]
Return an empty collection of the same type has its argument.
'epsilon_float [Math]
The smallest positive float x such that 1.0 +. x <> 1.0.
'equal [Math]
Prefix form of operator ==
'exists [Collections]
Existential predicate.
'existsD [Achain]
Existential predicate.
'exit [System]
Exit the evaluation.
'exp [Math]
'extension [Collections]
Build a collection of a specified type from the listing of its elements and positions.
'faces [Achain]
Return the sequence of faces of a cell or the values in a chain.
'facespos [Achain]
Return the sequence of faces of a cell in a chain.
'filter [Monoidal]
returns all the elements of the monoidal collection c that satisfy the predicate p.
'filtration [Achain]
Computes the filtration of an abstract chain.
'fixpoint [Functional]
The 'fixpoint keyword specifies fixed-point iteration in function application.
'fixrule [Functional]
is equivalent to 'fixpoint.
'flatten [Monoidal]
flattens a sequence of sequences, or a set of sets, or a bag of bags.
'float_of [Math]
Conversion into a float.
'floatof [Math]
Conversion into a float.
'floor [Math]
Round the given float to an integer value.
'fold [Collections]
Fold a function over the elements of a collection.
'foldD [Achain]
Fold a function over the elements of a particular dimension of a collection.
'foldD_indexed [Achain]
Fold a function over the elements of a particular dimension of a collection with their position.
'fold_indexed [Collections]
Fold a function over the elements of a collection with their position.
'fold_io [System]
fold_io(f, zero, str) applys the binary function f to the lines of the file str and replaces EOF by the zero argument.
'following [GBF]
Build a GBF from a sequence of values and a sequence of directions.
'forall [Collections]
Universal predicate.
'forallD [Achain]
Universal predicate.
'gbf [Collections]
Set type and predicate.
'gensym [Scalar]
gensym(s) generates a symbol from the string or the symbol s.
'geq [Math]
Prefix form of operator >=.
'get_coord_from_vertex [Qmf]
Returns the embedding of a vertex in libgmapkernel.
'get_gmap_from [Qmf]
Returns the gmap of a ncell or a qmf.
'glue2FacesBy4Verteces [Qmf]
'gmap [Scalar]
Returns true if the argument is a gamap and false for any other value.
'graphify [Collections]
Transform a delaunay-type graph into a graph.
'gt [Math]
Prefix form of operator >.
'hd [Collections]
Pick one element in a collection.
'icells [Achain]
Return the sequence of icells of a cell or the values in a chain.
'icellspos [Achain]
Return the sequence of icells of a cell in a chain.
'infinity [Math]
ieee positive infinite value.
'insert_edge [Qmf]
Splits a face into two faces separated by a new edge.
'insert_face [Qmf]
Splits a volume into two volumes separated by a new face.
'insert_vertex [Qmf]
Splits an edge into two edges separated by a new vertex.
'int_of [Math]
Conversion into an integer.
'inter [Monoidal]
Set or bag intersection.
'interlude [Functional]
Optionnal wrapper function for iterated application.
'intof [Math]
Conversion into an integer.
'iota [Monoidal]
Enumerate the n first integers.
'isomorphism [Collections]
Test the isomorphism of two graphs.
'iter [Functional]
The 'iter keyword specifies bounded iteration in function application.
'iter [Collections]
Iter a function over the elements of a collection.
'iterD [Achain]
Iter a function over the elements of a particular dimension of a collection.
'iterD_indexed [Achain]
Iter a function over the elements of a particular dimension of a collection with their position.
'iter_indexed [Collections]
Iter a function over the elements of a collection with their position.
'join [Monoidal]
Join two values.
'last [Collections]
Return the last element in a sequence.
'left [Monoidal]
Returns the value at the left of an element in a sequence.
'leibniz [Collections]
Leibniz type and predicate.
'leq [Math]
Prefix form of operator <=.
'listvar [System]
Return a sequence of strings.
'load_moka [Qmf]
Loads in a gmap an ASCII Moka file
'log [Math]
The natural logarithm.
'log10 [Math]
The base-10 logarithm.
'lt [Math]
Prefix form of operator <.
'map [Collections]
Map a function over the elements of a collection.
'map_indexed [Collections]
Map a function over the elements of a collection with their position.
'matrix_check [Monoidal]
checks if s is a matrix of dimension 2.
'matrix_dim [Monoidal]
returns the maximal nesting of sequences in s.
'matrix_matrix_product [Monoidal]
computes the product of two matrices.
'matrix_vector_product [Monoidal]
computes the product of matrix m with vector v.
'matrixify [Monoidal]
returns a proper matrix build on s.
'max [Math]
max(a,b) returns a if compare(a, b) > 0.
'max_float [Math]
The largest positive finite value of type float.
'max_int [Math]
The greatest representable integer.
'member [Collections]
Membership predicate.
'min [Math]
min(a,b) returns a if compare(a, b) < 0.
'min_float [Math]
The smallest positive, non-zero, non-denormalized value of type float.
'min_int [Math]
The smallest representable integer.
'mod [Math]
Integer and float remainder.
'monoidal [Collections]
Monoidal type and predicate.
'mult [Math]
Prefix form of operator *
'nAp [Math]
Number of different permutations.
'nCp [Math]
Binomial coefficient and number of different combinations.
'nan [Math]
ieee not a number value.
'ncell [Scalar]
Returns true if the argument is a ncell and false for any other value.
'neg_infinity [Math]
ieee negative infinite value
'neighbor [Collections]
Specific neighbors in a GBF or a chain.
'neighbors [Collections]
The neighbors of an element in a collection.
'neighborspos [Collections]
The neighbors position of an element in a collection.
'new_acell [Achain]
Creates a new acell of a given dimension.
'new_edge [Achain]
Creates a new acell of dimension 1.
'new_face [Achain]
Creates a new acell of dimension 2.
'new_gmap [Qmf]
Creates a new empty gmap.
'new_vertex [Achain]
Creates a new acell of dimension 0.
'newton [Collections]
Newton type and predicate.
'norm [Qmf]
No comment
'normal_form [Qmf]
No comment
'normalise [Achain]
Build a new achain where the acell that have the same faces are quotiented.
'not [Scalar]
'notequal [Math]
Prefix form of operator !=.
'notpequal [Math]
Prefix form of operator !===.
'open [System]
open(str, io) opens file str for input (io = 0) or output (io = 1) and returns the file descriptor associated to it.
'outerproduct [Monoidal]
computes the outer product of matrix or vector s1 and s2.
'pad_left [Monoidal]
makes a sequence of length n by truncating or padding s with v0 on the left.
'pad_right [Monoidal]
makes a sequence of length n by truncating or padding s with v0 on the right.
'parse [System]
Parse and evaluate a string.
'partition [Monoidal]
partition(n, s), with n an integer, partitions a monoid s (i.e.
'partition_eq [Monoidal]
partitions a sequence s into subsequences of elements of the same equivalence class.
'pequal [Math]
Prefix form of operator ===.
'posgbf [Scalar]
Returns true if the argument is a posgbf and false for any other value.
'pospredicate_from_coll [Collections]
Return the type predicate of the positions of a collection.
'postlude [Functional]
Optionnal wrapper function for iterated application.
'pow [Math]
Computes the exponentiation of its first argument to the second argument.
'power [Math]
'predicate_from_coll [Collections]
Return the type predicate of the type of its argument.
'prelude [Functional]
Optionnal wrapper function for iterated application.
'print_coll [System]
Print a collection with prefix, infix and suffix strings.
'print_coll2 [System]
Print a nested collection with prefix, infix and suffix strings.
'qmf [Collections]
Qmf type and predicate.
'qrngdimension [Math]
returns the dimension of the space that is filled by the quasi-random generator.
'qrngget [Math]
returns a sequence of quasi-random floating values using always the same storage array.
'qrnginit [Math]
initializes the generator of quasi-random values.
'qrngmake [Math]
returns a handle (of type int) for producing quasi-random values.
'qrngname [Math]
returns the name of the generator used.
'qrngsample [Math]
returns a sequence of quasi-random floating values using each time a new storage array.
'quotient [Achain]
Build a new achain where the acell have been quotiented.
'random [Math]
returns a random value.
'rank [Monoidal]
returns the rank of the argument.
'read_line [System]
read_line(str) returns a line from the file str.
'record [Collections]
Record type and predicate.
'remove_field [Record]
Remove the field of a record.
'remove_ncell [Qmf]
Remove a ncell.
'reset_default_error_handler [System]
This function with no argument changes the current error handler for the default one.
'reverse [Monoidal]
Sequence reversal.
'right [Monoidal]
Returns the value at the right of an element in a sequence.
'rotate_left [Monoidal]
cycles the elements in the sequence argument one position to the left.
'rotate_right [Monoidal]
cycles the elements in the sequence argument one position to the right.
'save_moka [Qmf]
Saves a gmap in an ASCII Moka file
'scalarproduct [Monoidal]
computes the scalar product of two vectors s1 and s2.
'seq [Collections]
Seq type and predicate.
'sequify [Collections]
Transform its argument into a sequence.
'set [Collections]
Set type and predicate.
'set_color [Collections]
Return its first argument with its color changed for the second one or raise an error if it is not possible.
'set_coord_of_vertex [Qmf]
Modifys the embedding of a vertex in libgmapkernel.
'set_error_handler [System]
Change the current error handler.
'set_field [Record]
Set the field of a record.
'shape [Collections]
Rebuild a collection from a sequence.
'sin [Math]
The sin trigonometric function.
'sinh [Math]
The sinh hyperbolic function.
'size [Collections]
Returns the number of elements in a collection (i.e.
'sleep [System]
Halts the computation for a given number of seconds
'smith [GBF]
Returns the sequence of integer coefficients of the smith normal form of the GBF type of the argument.
'smith_backpos [GBF]
Inverse of the 'smith function.
'sort [Collections]
Sort a collection in increasing order according to a comparison function.
'sqrt [Math]
The non-negative square root.
'strategy [Functional]
The 'strategy keyword allows to choose a rule application strategy different to the default MGS maximal parallel strategy.
'string2undef [Scalar]
Returns an undef value with its string argument as a comment
'string_contains [Scalar]
tests if the first character of c appears in the string s.
'string_contains_from [Scalar]
tests if the first character of c appears in the substring of s starting from start to the end of s.
'string_get [Scalar]
returns character number n in string s.
'string_index [Scalar]
returns the position of the leftmost occurrence in string s of the first character of string c.
'string_index_from [Scalar]
Same as string_index, but start searching at the character position given as second argument.
'string_length [Scalar]
Returns the length of it's string argument
'string_make [Scalar]
returns a fresh string of length n, filled with the first character of string c.
'string_rcontains_from [Scalar]
tests if the first character of c appears in the substring of s starting from the beginning of s to index stop.
'string_rindex [Scalar]
returns the position of the rightmost occurrence in string s of the first character of string c.
'string_rindex_from [Scalar]
Same as string_rindex, but start searching at the character position given as second argument.
'string_sub [Scalar]
returns a fresh string of length len, containing the characters number start to start + len - 1 of string s.
'sub [Math]
Prefix form of operator -
'subset [Monoidal]
returns true if A is included in B
'succ [Math]
The (numeric) successor function.
'system [System]
Execute a shell command.
'take [Collections]
take(c, p) returns the element at position p in c.
'tan [Math]
The tan trigonometric function.
'tanh [Math]
The tanh hyperbolic function.
'tl [Collections]
Return the collection minus one element.
'top_level [System]
Change the top-level for a user function.
'trace [System]
Trace the function calls.
'transitive_cofaces [Achain]
Return the sequence of cofaces of a cell and the cofaces of the cofaces, recursively.
'transitive_cofaces_in_achain [Achain]
Return the sequence of recursive cofaces of a acell belonging to a given achain.
'transitive_cofacespos [Achain]
Return the sequence of cofaces of a cell and the cofaces of the cofaces in a chain, recursively.
'transitive_faces [Achain]
Return the sequence of faces of a cell and the faces of the faces, recursively.
'transitive_facespos [Achain]
Return the sequence of faces of a cell and the faces of the faces in a chain, recursively.
'transpose [Monoidal]
returns the transposition of the 2-dimensionnal matrix m.
'undef2string [Scalar]
Returns the comment of an undef value as a string
'unit_bint [Math]
The big integer 1.
'untrace [System]
Untrace the function calls.
'uprint_coll [System]
Has the same behavior as print_coll, without any automatical indentation.
'val2bool [Scalar]
Convert a value to a boolean.
'voronoi [Delaunay]
returns a sequence of voronoi vertices together with the Delaunay's vertices it is adjacent to.
'what_float [Math]
Classify IEEE-754 float numbers.
'while [System]
The while operator.
'zero_bint [Math]
The big integer 0.
|| [Scalar]
returns the logical disjunction of the two arguments.
and_and [Scalar]
returns the logical conjunction of the two arguments.